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Главная » Файлы » Аудирование. » Аудиокниги.

Дневники принцессы.
[ Скачать с сервера (8.07 Mb) ] 31.Мар.2014, 23:21

Chapter 10.


  1. Josh Rictor  broke up with Lana because he had fallen in love with Mia.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Lily didn’t like Josh because he wasn’t good with Lana and he took drugs.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia was happy to go to the dance party with Josh though she didn’t feel well about Lana.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia’s friend Tina has a large family.   

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Tina’s mother is a fashion model and her pictures can be seen on the cover of the “Vogue”. 

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mr Janini approved her new boyfriend.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Josh Rictor was late to call for Mia because he had some problems with Lana.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia and Josh went to the dancing party in his own car. 

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

      9.    Mia was curious why Josh had asked her on a date because he didn’t even speak to her.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated



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