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Главная » Файлы » Аудирование. » Аудиокниги.

Дневники принцессы.
[ Скачать с сервера (7.90 Mb) ] 31.Мар.2014, 23:19

Chapter 2.


  1. Mia’s father wants to more children because he’s very rich and he needs a heir.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia’s mother didn’t want her to grow up in a palace.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. After father’s death Mia will get the title of the Queen.

      1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia’s visited Genovia many times and likes the country much.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia was happy to know that she was the princess of Genovia.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. Mia was angry with her father because he had lied to her all her life.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. After speaking with father Mia ran away to the zoo because she wanted to hide away.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. When Mia came home she knew that her Mom and Dad had phoned to all the hospitals and police stations to find her.

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated




Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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