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Главная » Файлы » Аудирование. » Аудиокниги.

Джейн Эйр
[ Скачать с сервера (5.93 Mb) ] 25.Янв.2015, 20:16

Chapter 1. My Story Begins.


  1. Jane Eyre had to live with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Reed because…

1) she was studying in a college in that town               

2) her parents had died                      

3) they had no children and asked Jane’s mother to let Jane live with them

  1. Jane’s life changed greatly after her uncle’s death because…

      1) he was rich and left all his money to his niece              

2) she had to work hard for living                     

3) her aunt and cousins were not kind to her

  1. Jane was sent to Mr Broklehurst bordering school because…

1) she wanted to leave her aunt’s house                

2) her aunt wanted her to leave                       

3) her cousin John hit her with a book

  1. Jane was sure that life in Lowood would be better than her life in Reed’s Hall because…

1) she wanted to work hard and become a good pupil                

2) there was no place for her worse than Reed’s Hall                     

3) she liked Mr  Broklehurst

Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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