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Джейн Эйр
[ Скачать с сервера (8.14 Mb) ] 25.Янв.2015, 20:23

Chapter 3. Thornfield Hall.


  1. How did Jane get her job as a governess in Thornfield?

1) she was recommended by Ms Temple               

2) she sent an advertisement into a newspaper                       

3) it was the family of her relatives

  1. How did Jane understand that she would be happy in Thornfield Hall?

1) she liked the place where she was going to live               

2) Mrs Farefax was very kind to her                      

3) the girl Jane was going to teach was like a little angel

  1. When Jane first met Adel the girl began speaking French with her because…

1) she wanted to check Jane’s knowledge of French                

2) she studied at a French school before                    

3) she was a daughter of a French woman

  1. How did Mrs Farefax explained Jane the strange laugh they heard upstairs?

1) she said that it was a mad woman                 

2) she said that it was a maiden Grace Pull                     

3) she said nothing

Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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