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Джейн Эйр
[ Скачать с сервера (9.85 Mb) ] 25.Янв.2015, 20:24

Chapter 4. Mr Rochester



  1. How did Jane meet the owner of Thornfield?

1) she was introduced to him by Mrs Farefax               

2) she met him while walking horseback                       

3) she helped him when he fell from the horse

  1. Where was Jane going when she met Mr Rochester?

1) she was walking to the nearest village to post a letter               

2) she was walking in the garden                       

3) she was going to the shop to buy some food

  1. How did Jane knew that the man on the road was the owner of Thornfield Hall?

1) she met him in the hall of the house                

2) he introduced himself when they met on the road                     

3) she saw the black-and-white dog in the hall

  1. Why did Jane come to work in Thornfield?

1) she wanted to leave the boarding-school where she learnt                

2) she needed some money to send to her family                     

3) she wanted to do something useful for people

Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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