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Джейн Эйр
[ Скачать с сервера (6.61 Mb) ] 25.Янв.2015, 20:26

Chapter 5. Fire!



  1. What happened in Thornfield one spring night?

1) Jane saw Mrs Farefax walking along the corridors               

2) Jane heard a strange laugh behind the door of her bedroom                       

3) Jane saw a man breaking into the house

  1. Why did Jane see the smoke in Mr Rochester’s bedroom?

1) he was smoking in the bed               

2) somebody had tried to make a fire in his room to kill him                      

3) he lit a candle

  1. Why did Mr Rochester smiled at Jane and held her hand?

1) she brought him a candle when there was very dark in his room                

2) she saved his life from the fire                    

3) she told him a very interesting story about her life

  1. Why was Jane so unhappy?

1) she was sure that Mr Rochester would never love her because she was poor and not pretty                

2) Mr Rochester was preparing for the wedding with Blanch Ingrahm                     

3) she wanted to get more money for her work

Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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