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Джейн Эйр
[ Скачать с сервера (8.02 Mb) ] 25.Янв.2015, 20:41

Chapter 8. In the Garden.


  1. Mr Rochester wanted Jane to leave Thornfield because…

1) he wasn’t satisfied with her work               

2) his daughter was going to school                       

3) he was going to marry

  1. Jane agreed to marry Mr Rochester because…

1) he was rich               

2) she wanted to become a lady                     

3) she loved him and he loved her

  1. Jane wanted to write a letter to her uncle to tell him about her marriage to Mr Rochester because she was sure that her uncle John…

1) will be happy with her                

2) will give her good advice for her marriage                     

3) will give her some money for her marriage

  1. Jane didn’t let Mr Rochester buy presents for her because…

1) she wanted him to put more money up to the wedding                

2) she didn’t like the things he wanted to buy for her                     

3) she didn’t like herself

  1. When Mr Rochester returned from his voyage he saw Jane had a very pale face because...   

1) she was afraid of the marriage                

2) she was afraid of a strange woman she saw in her room at night                     

3) she was afraid of a strange dream

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