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[ Скачать с сервера (6.70 Mb) ] 04.Апр.2014, 19:55

Chapter 5.


  1. The monster understood why people were afraid of him when he saw his face in the water pool.  

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. The monster learnt Victor’s name when he found his passport. 

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. He killed Victor’s brother because of his family name.   

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. The old man in the cottage wasn’t afraid of the monster because he was a brave man.       

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. The girl’s brother shot the monster because he had killed his sister.    

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated

  1. The monster didn’t like the smiling face on the picture of William’s mother.     

1) True                 2) False                      3) Not stated


Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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