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Король Дроздобород.
[ Скачать с сервера (9.70 Mb) ] 04.Апр.2014, 22:32

“The King Thrushbeard”

  1. Once the King invited all young men from far and near to his palace because…
  1. his daughter was eager to find a husband and get married.
  2. it was the only chance to find a husband for his daughter as she wasn’t pretty at all.
  3. it was the only chance to find a husband for his daughter as she was very capricious.
  4. he wanted to find the most suitable husband for his daughter.


  1. One of the guests got the name of King Thrushbeard because…
  1. his beard was like the bird’s beak.
  2. his chin was like a bird’s beak.
  3. he had a beak like a bird.
  4. he had a beard like a thrush.


  1. The King forced his daughter to marry the very first beggar-man who came near the palace because…
  1. he knew that it was really a noble man, but dressed as a fiddler.
  2. he was fed up with his daughter’s mocking the people.
  3. the fiddler promised to help him to bring up his daughter.
  4. the king was very pleased with the fiddler’s song.


  1. During the way to her new home the princess several times said that she was an unhappy girl because…
  1. she was sorry for her previous behavior.
  2. she wished she didn’t have all the things belonging to King Thrushbeard.
  3. she was very tired of walking home on foot.
  4. the fiddler was very rude and unkind to the princess.


  1. The fiddler had to make a fire and cook their supper himself because…
  1. the princess could not do these things.
  2. the servants were out at the moment for a holiday.
  3. the fiddler was sorry for making the princess walk for a long time.
  4. the princess refused to do anything about the house without the servants.


  1. The fiddler said that he had made a bad bargain with the princess because…
  1. the King had given him no money for his daughter.
  2. she refused to help him earn for living.
  3. she was naughty and capricious and hard to deal with.
  4. she was unable to do any work and wounded her hands with willows and threads.


  1. The princess agreed to sit at the market-place and sell the wear because…
  1. it was the only way to earn some money and not to die of hunger.
  2. she hoped that one day her father’s people would see her and take her back to the King’s palace.
  3. she was tired and sick with her husband’s reproach.
  4. she wished the people would see her beauty and give her much money.


  1. The princess was frightened to death at the market because…
  1. she was very afraid of horses.
  2. only miracle helped her to avoid being killed by the drunken horseman.
  3. she was really afraid of telling her husband about broken wear.
  4. drunken people broke all her crockery.


  1. Being a kitchen-maid in the King’s palace the princess fastened a little jar in both her pockets because…
  1. she took some food home for herself and her husband.
  2. it was a kind of kitchen-maid’s uniform.
  3. her husband wanted to make her appearance less beautiful.
  4. it was comfortable to keep there some kitchen things.


  1. King Thrushbeard confessed that it was he who had come as a fiddler to the King’s palace and then broke all her crockery at the market because…
  1. he wanted to have a revenge for her behaviour.
  2. he was eager to make her feel like he had done.
  3. he wanted to punish her for mocking him and tame her.
  4. he had made an agreement with her father to mock her as she used to.
Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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