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Старый Султан.
[ Скачать с сервера (9.91 Mb) ] 04.Апр.2014, 22:45

Old Sultan.



  1. When Sultan became very old, the farmer’s wife felt very pity because…
  1. he could not bite any more.
  2. he had lost all his teeth.
  3. her husband decided to kill the dog.
  4. her husband wanted to take the dog off.


  1. Who promised to help the old dog?
  1. His forest friend.
  2. The farm animals.
  3. The farmer’s wife.
  4. He hoped to manage himself.


  1. The next morning Sultan was to…
  1. sleep in the shade under the hedge.
  2. make hay with his masters.
  3. stay behind at home.
  4. take the baby to the farmer from the forest.


  1. The grateful farmer ordered his wife …
  1. to cook a delicious meal for the dog.
  2. to bring Sultan the most juicy piece of meat.
  3. to bring the dog his own pillow.
  4. to let the dog sleep in his master’s bed.


  1. The wolf cried out to the dog, “Wait a bit, you shall pay for this,” because…
  1. he was very angry with Sultan for his treachery.
  2. he was sorry for having fallen the baby.
  3. he was afraid of Sultan.
  4. he had lost everything.


  1. Why did the wild animals run away frightened?
  1. They saw Sultan with lots of armed men.
  2. They mixed up the cat’s tail with an arm.
  3. They mixed up Sultan with a large strong animal.
  4. They saw Sultan’s master with a saber.


  1. What did the story end?
  1. The wolf and the dog became friends.
  2. The wolf was so afraid that he ran away.
  3. The wolf was ashamed of his treachery.
  4. The wolf had hidden so well that nobody found him.





Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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