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[ Скачать с сервера (10.23 Mb) ] 04.Апр.2014, 22:40

The Wicked Prince.


  1. The wicked Prince made plenty of harm to the people but he was sure that…
  1. everything he was doing was right.
  2. everything he was doing was for the sake of God.
  3. he would soon change his opinion and begin doing good.
  4. they were his soldiers who were doing all the wicked things.


  1. People admiring the mighty Prince didn’t hear the lamentations which rose up…
  1. from the heavens.
  2. from the ruins of the places destroyed by him.
  3. from his soldiers.
  4. from the people of his country.


  1. The conquered kings had to…
  1. follow his golden chariot on their knees.
  2. follow his chariot linked with golden chains.
  3. follow him in golden chariots.
  4. follow his golden chariot on foot.


  1. The priests dared not obey the Prince’s order when he…
  1. decided to conquer  God.
  2. decided to become God.
  3. decided to put his own statue in the church.
  4. decided to conquer the church.


  1. How did the Prince’s ship manage to rise up towards the sun?
  1. It was pulled by hundreds of strong birds.
  2. It had a mighty engine inside.
  3. It was a magic ship built by a mighty magician.
  4. It had strong mighty wings.


  1. Why did the Prince decide to rise up to the sun?
  1. He wanted to see the world from above.
  2. He wanted to see what cities were not conquered yet.
  3. He wanted to feel like God.
  4. He wanted to conquer God.


  1. What made the Prince’s ship fall down?
  1. A drop of an angel’s blood.
  2. A fire from God’s gun.
  3. Hundreds of angels’ arrows.
  4. Strong wind and the smoke from the burning cities.


  1. What was the result of the Prince’s war with God?
  1. He won the battle and became the ruler of the World.
  2. He got mad and his warriors mocked at him.
  3. He danced a victory dance on his ship.
  4. He died from the bit of a gnat.



Nourishment – пища

Lamentations - стоны

Debris – остатки, развалины

Kneel – преклонять колени

Rebound - отражать

Gnat – москит, комар

Brandish - размахивать

Категория: Аудиокниги. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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