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03.Апр.2014, 22:31




                 New Zealand is a relatively small country with a population of approximately 3.7 million people. Located in the south west of the Pacific Ocean the unique country contains a diverse range of landscapes and climatic conditions extending throughout two major islands, the North Island and the South Island, and a third smaller island, Stewart Island. The choppy Cook Strait divides the North and  South Islands, while Foveaux Strait separates the South Island from Stewart Island.

     New Zealand boasts a large coastal area, impressive mountains, pristine lakes and rivers, dense forests, volcanic activity, glaciers and rolling hills. 75 per cent of the country is made up of hilly surfaces and land has been developed as pasture for farming. The largest lake, Lake Taupo, is located in the North Island, as is the longest river, the Waikato. Mount Cook is the country’s highest peak and towers majestically in the South Island.

     New Zealand is a country of rare seismic beauty: glacial mountains, fast-flowing rivers, and deep clear lakes and hissing geysers. There are also abundant forest reserves, long, deserted beaches and a variety of faunas, such as the kiwi.

     The popularity of New Zealand with international visitors is growing year by year. It is a land of contrasts, from pristine wilderness areas to modern and sophisticated cities there is something for everyone. New Zealand also enjoys an international reputation for being safe and friendly.

     New Zealand is situated in the South Pacific Ocean and its nearest neighbor is Australia. New Zealand along with Australia make up the area called Australasia or Oceania.

     New Zealand is probably the most isolated country in the world yet it is a highly developed westernized country. The country is not much bigger than the United Kingdom yet within New Zealand’s shores lies just about every type of climate from subtropical to alpine. It is possible to pass through a different climatic zone each day when traveling through this unique country. Travelers will find examples of all the world’s geographical features from mountain ranges to beaches, glaciers to subtropical and temperate rainforests, active volcanoes and thermal activity to land that is permanently covered in ice and snow, from tranquil lakes and fjords to thunderous waterfalls and rivers. New Zealand also contains areas that are as bleak and barren as the Australian outback but it is the clean green image that most remember when thinking about New Zealand.

     New Zealand is an island nation made up of 2 main islands aptly named the North Island and the South Island and many smaller such as Stewart Island. The North Island has a warmer climate and contains all of the country’s volcanoes and most of the thermal activity such as geysers, thermal rivers and boiling mud pools. There are many fine beaches to the North.

     It is a hilly island with one major chain of mountains that starts from the East Cape and runs down to Wellington. The North Island is very green and lush due to its regular rainfall and volcanic soil. The South Island is a short ferry ride away* but is much different from the North Island. The South Island’s main geographical features are the mighty Southern Alps that run down the full length of the island. This mountain range is bigger than the European Alps put together and there are 200 mountains that are over 2500 metres. It is this mountain range that gives the South island its great diversity. The North of the South Island is the sunniest part of New Zealand. The West is one of the wettest areas in the world. The South is very cold and very barren with some areas receiving less than 400 mm per year (200 mm or less is classified as desert). The East is identical to England with its rolling green hills and the centre of the Island is mountainous and perpetually snows.

     Now we shall look through the different regions in New Zealand starting with the North Island. To the north is Northland that lies in the subtropical zone and is also called the winterless North.


* на небольшом расстоянии, преодолимом на пароме.
There are many superb beaches and coves in the region the most famous being the 90-mile beach. One of the most popular tourist attraction The Bay of Islands is also in this area.

Northland’s West coast contains New Zealand’s best preserved Kauri Forests, which rate amongst the biggest and oldest trees in the world.

     Further south lies the Auckland Region that is where New Zealand’s largest city Auckland is found. Auckland City is home to 1 million New Zealanders which is about one third of the country’s population. The Auckland region also has many superb beaches and bush walking is also popular here. The area is also dominated by many extinct volcanic cones which rise abruptly out of the flattish terrain.

     Next is the Waikato region that contains some of the richest dairy country in the world due to its temperate climate and volcanic soil.

     The Coromandel Peninsula lies to the south east of Auckland. It is a popular escape for many Aucklanders as it is a very scenic region. There are many beautiful beaches including a thermal beach called Hot Water Beach.

     Further East is the Bay of Plenty Region, which is the main area for volcanic activity. Just below the Bay of Plenty is the Taupo Region, which is also a volcanic zone. The  region also has the biggest lake in the country, Lake Taupo and the best ski fields in the North Island are located on Mountain Ruapehu, the biggest volcano in New Zealand.

     At the bottom of the North Island is the Wellington Region that is the location for New Zealand’s capital city. The city surrounds the most spectacular harbor in New Zealand.

     South if Wellington is a stretch of water that separates the North Island from the South Island called the Cook Strait. This strait is one of the roughest seas in the world and occasionally one can see whales and dolphins from the Wellington coast and on the ferry that transports passengers between both islands. The South Island can bee seen clearly from Wellington’s south coast.

     The South Island is quite different from the North. It is an island of many contrasts and climates. The Southern Alps are the most impressive geographical feature, and they run the entire length of the island.

     The Marlborough Region is situated in the north of the South Island. The region is the sunniest in New Zealand and this is the reason why many world class wines are produced here.

     Just below the South Island lies Stewart Island that is the third biggest island. Stewart Island is an untouched wilderness area, and is a safe haven for many of New Zealand’s endangered birds such as the Kiwi and Takahe.

     New Zealand’s first settlers, the Maori, named the kiwi bird for the sound of its chirp – kiwi, kiwi, kiwi! This flightless bird, about the size of a domestic hen, has an extremely long beak and plumage more like hair than feathers. New Zealanders have adopted this nocturnal, flightless and endearing creature as their national emblem. In the international financial markets, the New Zealand dollar, the basic currency unit, is frequently called the Kiwi. The dollar coin features a kiwi bird on one side. Perhaps the best-known kiwi is the delicious kiwifruit. Originating in China, kiwifruit were grown in New Zealand domestic gardens for decades as Chinese gooseberries. However, when enterprising New Zealand farmers began propagating the fruit intensively for export, it was given the name kiwifruit and has achieved worldwide fame.

     New Zealand is not only famous for its beautiful scenery but it has been said many times that New Zealanders are the friendliest people you could meet anywhere. The majority of New Zealand’s population are of European (English, Irish and Scottish) descent. Approximately 10% of New Zealand’s population are of Polynesians being the native people the Maori. New Zealand generally enjoys racial harmony with one of the highest percentages in the world for mixed marriages.

     New Zealanders are lovers of sports and are highly competitive. Rugby is the most popular game and the national team the All Blacks is regarded as the best in the world. Other popular games are Cricket and Netball. Yachting is a very popular sport, too.






  1. Is New Zealand small or big country? What population is in New Zealand?
  2. What does New Zealand boast?
  3. What are the most famous places in New Zealand?
  4. Who and what are kiwis?
  5. Why is the kiwi a national emblem of New Zealand?
  6. What do you know about kiwifruit?
  7. What are the main islands in New Zealand?
  8. What strait divides them?
  9. Do you know any volcanoes in New Zealand? What is the biggest?
  10. Are there many lakes in New Zealand? What are the most famous?
  11. New Zealanders like sports, don’t they? What are their favorite sports?
  12. What nations does the population of New Zealand consist of?





       Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list:


Dense, extending, pristine, diverse, hissing, referring, acquired, enterprising, has achieved, have adopted, abruptly, entire, chain, feature.


  1. Located in the south west of the Pacific Ocean the unique country contains a ___________________range of landscapes and climatic conditions ___________________throughout two major islands.
  2. New Zealand boasts a large coastal area, impressive mountains, ______________lakes and rivers, ___________forests, volcanic activity, glaciers and rolling hills.
  3. New Zealand is a country of rare seismic beauty: glacial mountains, fast-flowing _______________rivers, and deep clear lakes and ______________________geysers.
  4. New Zealanders _______________this nocturnal, flightless and endearing creature as their national emblem.
  5. ______________to New Zealanders as Kiwis probably dates back to the First World War, when New Zealand soldiers _________________this nickname.
  6. However, when ____________New Zealand farmers began propagating the fruit intensively for export, it was given the name kiwifruit and ________________worldwide fame.
  7. It is a hilly island with one major _______________of mountains that start from the east.
  8. The area is also dominated by many extinct volcanic cones, which rise ______________out of the flattish terrain.

The Southern Alps are the most impressive geographical _______________, and they run the _____________length of the Island

Категория: Новая Зеландия. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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