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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
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Австралия. [1]
Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
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Тест 3.
03.Апр.2014, 18:42

The United States of America.

National Symbols.



Task: choose the necessary.

  1. The 50-star flag of the United States, the stars and Stripes, was raised for the first time officially at

12:01 a.m. on July 4, ... at Fort mcHenry National Monument in Baltimore.

a) 1690;       b) 1960;        c) 1790;          d) 1970.


2. The 49th star was added in 1959 for Alaska and the 50th, for the Hawaii. Before that, no star had been added since 1912, when ... were admitted to the union.

a) New Mexico and Arizona;        b) Louisiana and Nebraska;           c) New Mexico and Montana;                                          

d) Oklahoma and Arizona.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

3. The true history of the Stars and Striles has become so cluttered by a volume of myth and tradition that the facts are difficult, and in some cases impossible, to establish.

a) беспорядочный;                  b)  шумный;                        c)  невнятный;                  d)  загроможденный.


Task: choose the necessary.

4. All agree that the Stars and Stripes originated as the result of a resolution offered by the ... Committee of the 2nd Continental Congress at Philadelphia and adopted on July 14, 1777.

a) Navy;        b) Marine;                c) Art;                   d) State.


5. The resolution establishing the flag was not even published until September 2, 1777. Despite repeated requests, Washington did not get the flags until 1783, after ... was over.

a) the War for Independence;              b) the Civil War;                 c) the Gold Rush;            d) World War I.


Task: choose the statements which are true.

6. a) The thirteen stripes in the modern flag stand for the colonies that now make up the nation.

    b) The thirteen stars in the modern flag stand for the states that now make up the nation.

    c) The thirteen stars in the modern flag stand for the states that joined together in 1776, to declare themselves free from the rule of England.

    d) The thirteen stripes in the modern flag, seven red and six white, stand for the colonies that joined together in 1776, to declare themselves free from the rule of England.

    e) The fifty white, five-pointed stars stand for the colonies that joined together in 1776, to declare themselves free from the rule of England.

    f) The fifty white, five-pointed stars stand for the states that now make up the nation.


7. Poets, patriots and composers have different names to the National Flag. The best known are:

    a) God Save the Queen;   b) Old Glory;         c) America the Beautiful;       d) The Star-Spangled Banner;  e) The Stars and Stripes;           f) The Union Jack;      g) Starry Flag.


Task: choose the right word.

  1. During the war of 1812, Sam Wilson supplied meat to the U.S. Army in barrels marked U.S. When asked what the  U.S. stood ..., one of the Wilson’s workers said, “Uncle Sam (Wilson), the meatpacker.” Soon many things labeled U.S. were being called Uncle Sam’s, not just meat!

a) for;            b) up;         c) on;             d) at.


9. After the war, Uncle Sam became the symbol of the nation. People drew him and dressed up like him. Uncle Sam is a United States’ symbol that is ... recognized throughout the world.

a) across;            b) between;             c) middle;                   d) through.



Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

10.Soon after the bell’s arrival from England in 1752, it cracked the first time it rang. It was then recast in Philadelphia and began its ringing for freedom even before the people of the New World knew that it was complete liberty until 1855, when it crecked.

a) придавать новую форму;   b) переделать;    c) пересчитывать;    d) переливать.


Task: choose the necessary.

  1. On ..., the bell rang out to announce the first reading of the Declaration of Independence to the people of ... . It became then, and still is, a symbol of American Independence.
  1. July 4, 1776; Chicago;
  2. July 8, 1767; Minneapolis;
  3. June 8, 1767; Charlestown;
  4. July 8, 1776; Philadelphia.


  1. The Liberty Bell became a symbol of freedom, even though it could not be heard. It began to tour the country by train visiting such places as New Orleans, Chicago, Charlestown, Boston, Atlanta, St Louis, and San Francisco. Since 1915, the Liberty Bell has been ... .

a) in one of the churches;    b) on permanent display in a glass-enclosed building in Philadelphia;        c) in one of the museums;    d) recast.


13. Since ancient times, eagles have been a sign of power. But, not all in Congress wanted this bird to be the emblem of the nation. Benjamin Franklin proposed that the ... be the national bird, because it was a true nation of the country.

a) turkey;                b) goose;                 c) cock;                     d) vulture.


14. In 1782, the bald eagle was adopted as the national bird for the country. The bald eagle is ... .

    a) really bald;            b) black-streaked;               c) wingless;              d) “white-streaked”.


   15. Since 1886, the Statue of Liberty enlightening the World has stood in new York harbor. It also commemorates American friendship for it was given by the people of ... .

   a) Italy;             b) Spain;             c)France;             d) England.


   16. Funds for the statue were raised by the ... people.

   a) French;             b) Italian;           c) Spanish;                  d) English.


   17. By July 4, 1876, the sculptor Bartholdi had completed ... and sent it to the United States to display for thier centennial celebration of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.         

    a) the whole statue;             b) the head;             c) the body;          d) the right hand and torch.


   18. Construction of the pedestal started in 1884 but soon stoped because ... . The needed funds were finally raised because of a campaign started by Joseph Pulitzer. He appealed to the people all over the United States to help in the building of the monument. Pennies, nickels, dimes, and dollars rolled in from all over the country, sent by children as well as by adults. In less than five months, the magazine campaign had helped to raise the needed money.

    a) the money ran out;   b) it was prohibited by the French government;     c) of the storm;     d) of the war.


19. The ... statue was officially presented to the United States in ... on July 4, 1884.

a) uncompleted; Paris, France;           b) completed; Paris, France;          c) parts of the; New York;       d) pedestal of the; New York.


20. It was then carefully ... and ... .

a) lifted on the pedesyal; fixed;           b) taken apart; shipped to America;       c) planned to the Bedloe’s (now, Liberty) Island.


21. The United States national motto is ... .

a) Uncle Sam;         b) In God We Trust;            c) E pluribus unum (One out of many).


Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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