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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
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Австралия. [1]
Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
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Тест 7.
03.Апр.2014, 18:48

The United States of America.

We the People

Task: choose the necessary.

1. The U.S. has often been called "a nation of im­migrants". Many different cultural traditions, ethnic sympathies, national origins, racial groups, and religious affiliations make up "we the people".

The first people on the American continent came from ... . They came to Alaska at various times when the sea level dropped. The first migration might have been as early as 40,000 years ago.

a) Africa;       b) Asia;          c) Europe;          d) Australia.

2. The story of the westward growth of the United States was also the story of the destruction of the Na­tive Americans, or ... .


a) Indians;         b) Polynesians;        c) Africans;          d) Australians.

3. ... states—especially California, Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico—have the largest Indian population.

a) Northern;       b) Western;         c) Southern;           d) Eastern.

4. Beginning in the 1600s, the British settled ... part of North America.

a) the eastern;         b) the western;         c) the northern;      d) the southern.

5. By the time of the American Revolution (1776), the culture of American colonists had been thoroughly ... .

a) British;           b) French;           c) Indian;             d) Dutch.

6. From 1620 to 1820 by far the largest group of people to come to the United States came against their will. Those people were ... .

a) Polynesians;          b) West Africans;          c) Afghans;             d) Australians.

7. Beginning in the 1820s, the number of immi­grants coming to the United States began to in­crease rapidly. Faced with problems in ...—poverty, war, discrimination—immigrants hoped for, and of­ten found, better opportunities in the United States.

 a) Europe;          b) Russia;          c) Africa;           d) Australia.

8. Although immigration from northwestern Eu­rope continued, from the 1870s to the 1930s even more people came from the countries of southern and eastern Europe. In the 1920s discrimination and pre­judice in the U.S. led to laws ... immigration. Immi­gration ... until 1960s, when these laws were changed.

a) permitting; accelerated;                           b) forbidding; stopped;

c) limiting; slowed down;                                 d) accelerating; increased.

9. In the nineteenth century, laws limited ... immi­gration. Also ... in the U.S., who had come to Califor­nia, met with widespread discrimination.

a) Iranian; Iranians;     b) Indian; Indians;     c) Korean; Koreans;     d) Asian; Asians.

10. Since the mid-1960s, with changes in immi­gration laws ... have been a major immigrant group. In the 1980s, for example, almost half of all immi­grants were ... .

a) Philippians; Philippine;    b) Cambodians; Cambodian;    c) Asians; Asian;                          d) Thailandians; Thailandian.

11. ... are one of the fastest growing groups in the U.S. population. Within 25 years, they will be the largest minority.

a) Puerto   Ricans;   b) Hispanics;   c) Indonesians;    d) Iranians.

Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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