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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
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Тест 8.
03.Апр.2014, 18:50

The United States of America.


Task: choose the necessary.

1. Studies show that about 9 in 10 Americans identify with a religion and that about 6 in 10 belong to a church. About 94 per cent of Americans who identify with a religion are ..., there are more ... .

a) Catholics; Methodists than Catholics;

b) Protestants; Catholics than Protestants;

c) Lutherans; Baptists than Catholics;

d) Christians; Protestants than Catholics.

2. ... are the largest non-Christian group, with about 4 per cent of the population.

a) Moslems; b) Buddhists; c) Jews; d) Hindus.

3. Native Americans ... .

a) often preserve their trivial religions; b) are of­ten Moslems; c) are often Buddhists;                d) are often Hindus.

4. Sections of the South and, to some extent, the Midwest are sometimes called the ... . In these areas, there are many Protestant fundamentalists, who be­lieve that the Bible is literally true and that its mes­sage should be at the center of a person's life.

a) Mormon States; b) "Bible Belt"; c) Lutheran States; d) "Baptist Belt".


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalents for the underlined words and expressions.

1. The American economy is a free enterprise sys­tem that has emerged from the labors of millions of American workers; from the wants that tens of mil­lions of consumers have expressed in the market­place; from the efforts of thousands of private busi­ness people; and from activities of government officials at all levels who have undertaken the tasks that individual Americans cannot do.

а) смелый; b) предприимчивый; с) предприни­мательский; d) инициативный.

2. The government plays an important role in the economy, as (A) in the case in all countries. The U.S. federal government has strongly supporter the devel­opment of transport. It checks the purity of food and (B) drugs, insures bank deposits and guarantees loans.

(A) а) случай, обстоятельство; b) больной; с) чу­дак; d) (так же) как и.

(B) е) медикаменты; f) наркотики; g) неходовой товар; h) подмешивать яд (в пищу).

Task: choose the necessary.

3. In 1990, about 120 million Americans were in labor force, representing 63 per cent of the popula­tion over the age of 16. The labor force has grown especially rapidly since 1955 as a result of the increased number of ... .

a) Asian immigrants; b) working women; c) teen­agers; d) working pensioners.

4. American industries have become increasingly more ... oriented.

a) service; b) technical; c) business; d) health-re­lated.

Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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