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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
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Тест 10.
03.Апр.2014, 18:52

The United States of America.

Mass Media and Communications

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalents for the underlined words and expressions.

1. Newspapers in the U.S. are protected by the "Freedom of the Press" clause of the First Amend­ment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment guarantees that the government will not interfere with the right of newspapers to print truthful state­ments.

а) исправление; b) улучшение; с) поправка.

2. Today the media include newspapers, pam­phlets, books, radio, films, TV and cable TV.

а) брошюра; b) памфлет; с) полемическая ста­тья; d) полемическая брошюра.

3. Americans are surrounded by information from the time they wake in the morning until the time they sleep at night. At home, after dinner, they watch the evening news on TV. Then they flip through the over 20 channels offered by cable TV to find their favorite show or a recent Hollywood movie.

а) щелкать; b) слегка ударять; с) «пройтись»; d) горячий напиток на основе подслащенного пива.

4. The first regular newspaper was the Boston News-Letter, a weekly started in 1704 by the city's postmaster, John Campbell. Like most newspapers of the time it published shipping information and news from England.

а) регулярный; еженедельный;  b) постоянно вы­ходящий; еженедельник;                               с) монашеский; раз в не­делю;    d) квалифицированный; еженедельно.

5. Competition for circulation and profits was fierce. The rivalry of two publishers dominated American journalism at the end of the 19th century. The first was Joseph Pulitzer, a Hungarian immi­grant who became one of the greatest American pub­lishers. He established the Pulitzer Prizes given for excellence in journalism, literature, history, and music. The second publisher was William Randolph Hearst. Pulitzer and Hearst symbolized the era of highly personal journalism that faded early in this century.

a) состязание; циркуляция;

b)конкуренция; тираж;

c) конкурс; кровообращение;

d) конкурсный экзамен; обращение.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word and find the correct variant.

6. In 1833 a young printer named Benjamin Day (A) launched the New York Sun, the first American paper to sell for a penny. Until then most papers (B) ... six cents. Day's paper paid special attention to lively human interest stories and crime. Following Day's lead, the press went from a small upper class readership, to mass readership in just a few years.

(A) а) бросать, метать; b) начать выпускать; с) запускать; d) горячо высказаться.

(B) е) had cost; f) had costed; g) cost; h) have cost.

Task: choose the right variant.

7. Perhaps one of America's greatest political journalists was Thomas Paine. Paine's writings urg­ing independence made him the most persuasive me­dia figure of the American Revolution against Brit­ain in 1776. His pamphlets ... thousands of copies and helped mobilize the rebellion.

a) were sold; b) has been sold; c) sold; d) have been sold.

8. The 1920s also saw the birth of a new mass ..., radio.

a) medial; b) media; c) medium; d) medius.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

9. Radio also introduced government regulation into the media. Early radio stations went on and off the air and wandered across different frequencies often blocking other stations and annoying listeners. To resolve the problem, Congress gave the govern­ment power to regulate and license broadcasters.

а) частота; b) частотность; с) повторение; d) мно­гократность.

Task: choose the right variant.

10. Many morning and daytime programs are only viewed intermittently, while other things are going on and demand one's attention. The TV set is only watched, in other words, when something interesting is ... .

a) listened; b) looked; c) shown; d) heard.

Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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