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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
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Тест 11.
03.Апр.2014, 18:53

The United States of America.

American Youth

Task: choose the right variant.

1. At... years of age, young people in the U.S. can take on most of the rights and the responsibilities adulthood.

a) 16; b) 18; c) 21; d) 24.

2. American teenagers often take a job in the sum­mer, when they are not going to school. They may work in summer camps for young children, or in su­permarkets, or in fast-food restaurants, etc. They of­ten work as ... to earn money after school.

a) baby-sitters; b) taxi drivers; c) office mana­gers.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent.

3. In 1989 approximately 1/3 of those arrested for serious crimes were under 18. Among the causes of so many crimes are poor family relationships, bad neighborhood conditions, peer pressure and some­times, drug addiction.

a) всматриваться;

b) проглядывать;

c) травля своими ровесниками;

d) быть равным.

4. While filled with high hopes along the years be­fore them, today's students are not laboring under any misconception about what they must do to real­ize their aspirations. They admit that hard work lies ahead and claim they are willing to make the sacrific­es needed to reach their goals.

а) место назначения; b) цель; с) ворота; d) гол.

5. American youth are concerned about problems confronting their own communities and the world around them. In a 1990 poll, American young people said that the most important issues they had to face were: drug abuse, AIDS, and environmental prob­lems. Young people in the United States are also con­cerned with global issues such as nuclear war and world hunger.

а) выходы; b) выпуски, издания; с) результаты чего-либо; d) проблемы.


Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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