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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
Факты о культуре и традициях Туманного Альбиона.
Канада. [1]
Знакомство с Канадой.
Австралия. [1]
Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
Знакомство со страной "на краю океанов"
Видеофильмы. [15]

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Тест 13.
03.Апр.2014, 18:56

The United States of America.

American Holidays

Task: choose the necessary.

1. People in every culture celebrate holidays. Be­cause the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage, it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holi­days have taken on a distinctively American flavor. In the U.S.A. the word "holiday" is synonymous with ... .

a) "tradition"; b) "holy days"; c) "celebration".

2. In the strict sense, there are no national holi­days in the United States. In practice most states ob­serve the federal ("legal") public holidays. ... holidays per year are proclaimed by the federal government.


3. In 1971, the dates of many federal holidays were officially moved to the nearest... .

a) Monday; b) Sunday; c) weekend; d) week.

4. There are four holidays which are not necessari­ly celebrated on Mondays: ... .

a) Memorial Day, New Year's Day, Christmas, President's Day;

b) Christmas, New Year's Day, Thanksgiving Day, Labour Day;

c) Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas;

d) Christmas, New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalents for the underlined words.

5. You can thumb through an ordinary calendar and discover many special days, i. e. "minor holidays" which are observed by a relatively small num­ber of people or by a particular interest group. For example, "Girl Scouts' Birthday" (March 12), "Citi­zenship Day" (September 17), "United Nations Day" (October 24) would have limited observance.

а) большой палец; b) захватать; с) загрязнить; d) перелистать.

6. On January 1st, Americans visit friends, rela­tives, and neighbors. There is plenty to eat and drink when you just drop in to wish your loved ones and friends the best for the year ahead.

а) прекращать; b) падать; с) заходить; d) дово­зить.

Task: choose the necessary.

7. Independence Day is regarded as the birthday of the United States as a free nation. The people of the 13 British colonies located along the eastern coast of what is now the United States were involved in ... .

a) a colonial war;

b) a war with the King and Parliament in Britain;

c) a civil war;

d) a war for freedom from England's rule.

8. The war began in ... .

a) 1775; b) 1757; c) 1577; d) 1777.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

9. Every July 4th, Americans have a holiday from work. Communities have long-day picnics with fa­vorite foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, and all the fixings.

а) снаряжение; b) принадлежность; с) отделка; d) гарнир.

Task: choose the necessary.

10. ... is a happy holiday on the fourth Thursday of each November. Americans of all religions cele­brate this holiday with big dinners and family re­unions. It is the time to remember all the good things in life and to be thankful.

a) Labor Day; b) Christmas; c) Thanksgiving; d) Hallowe'en.

Task: choose the right answer to the question.

11. How are the English settlers called who came to America on a ship called Mayflower because they wanted religious freedom?

a) Separatists; b) Puritans; c) Pilgrims.                            

Task: choose the necessary.                                            

12. The colonists had arrived too late to grow many crops, and without fresh food half the colony died from disease. The following spring, the Indians taught them how to grow ..., a new food for the colo­nists.

a) rice; b) tomatoes; c) potatoes; d) corn.                                               

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalents for the underlined words.   

13. The Indians taught the colonists to roast the turkeys. They also brought deer and other wild game offered by the colonists.

а) развлечение; b) игра; с) партия; d) дичь.

14. The colonists had learned how to cook cranber­ries and different kinds of corn and squash dishes from the Indians.

а) каша; b) толпа, давка; с) игра в мяч; d) каба­чок, тыква.

Task: choose the necessary.

15. ... is one of the symbols which represent the first Thanksgiving.

a) Lamb; b) Veal; c) Turkey; d) Pork.

16. ... are the symbols drawn on holiday decora­tions and greeting cards.

a) Pork,   corn,   pumpkin   and   cranberry   sauce;

b) Corn,  hot dog,  pumpkin  and cranberry sauce;

c) Porridge,    hot    dog,    cabbage,    and    pop-corn;

d) Turkey, corn, pumpkin and cranberry sauce.

17. Going home for ... is a most cherished tradi­tion of the holiday season. No matter where you may be the rest of the year, being "at home" with your family and friends for ... is a "a must".

a) Veteran's Day; b) Christmas; c) Independence Day; d) Labour Day.

18. ... holidays are the busiest times of the year at airports, train stations, and bus depots. It seems that all America is on the move and Americans are on the way to spend the holidays with their loved ones.

a) Thanksgiving and Christmas; b) Christmas and New Year; c) The New Year and Easter; d) Christmas and Independence Day.

Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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