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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
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Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
Знакомство со страной "на краю океанов"
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Тест 15.
03.Апр.2014, 18:58

The United States of America.


Task: choose the necessary.

1. What makes ... in the U.S. so different from its European cousins, ... is not just the size, speed, and strength of its players. Rather, it is the most "scien­tific" of all outdoor team sports.

a) rugby; squash and tennis; b) football; rugby and soccer; c) squash; football and rugby; d) tennis; football and soccer.

2. Specific rules state what each player in each position may and may not do, and when. There are hundreds of possible "plays" (or moves) for teams on offense and defense. Because of this, ... has been called "an open-air chess game disguised as war­fare." Those who do not understand the countless rules and the many possibilities for plays miss most of the game.

a) polo; b) squash; c) football; d) volleyball.

3. ... have the reputation of being "typically Amer­ican" team sports.

a) Football and polo; b) Soccer and basketball; c) Baseball and football; d) basketball and baseball.

      4. This is ironic because the two most popular par­ticipant sports in the world today are indeed Ameri­can in origin—... . Today both ... are played everywhere by men and women of all ages. They are espe­cially popular as school sports.

a) basketball and tennis; b) basketball and volley-ball; c) baseball and volleyball; d) basketball and baseball.

Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.      

5. There is an enormous amount of live broadcasting of all different types of sports events, professional and amateur, at state, national, and international levels. Americans are used to having baseball and basketball,  college  and  professional  football games,  golf,  tennis,  auto racing,  and swimming meets  and its Olympics carries live  and  at full length.          .                                                
а) запоминание; b) попадание в цель; с) репортажи, (теле)передачи; d) торговля, продажа.

Task: choose the necessary.

     6. ... are the "four major sports". Their seasons now often overlap.

a) Hockey, baseball, football and basketball; b) Golf, swimming, tennis and marathon;

c) Track and field, bowling, archery and skiing; d) Skating, rowing, boxing and wrestling.

Task: choose the right definition for the under­lined words.

    7. Aerobic exercises are very popular in the United States. Today, millions of Americans are ex­ercising for good health. It is necessary to stay in shape. This fitness craze is popular all across the country.

a) the state of insanity; b) the state of being appro­priate to the circumstances; c) interest in exercising and eating healthy food.

     8. Americans love to go camping. They often spend their vacation at the beautiful campgrounds devel­oped by the National Park Service, or even in the wil­derness—undeveloped areas where no one lives. Some Americans go camping to feel like pioneers.

a) people that originate a new line of activity; b) early settlers of the American West;

c) people pre­ceding all others.

Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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