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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
Факты о культуре и традициях Туманного Альбиона.
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Австралия. [1]
Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
Знакомство со страной "на краю океанов"
Видеофильмы. [15]

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Тесты 5
03.Апр.2014, 18:45

The United States of America.

The States of the USA.

Task: choose the necessary.

1. Montgomery, the capital of ..., is a welcome reminder of the grandeur of the Old South.

a) Arkansas;                    b) Tennessee;                     c) Alabama;                          d) Florida.

2. The nicknames of ... are: the Last Frontier and Land of the Midnight Sun.

a) Alabama;                    b) Alaska;                           c) Texas;                                d) Arizona.

3. Alaska is twice as big as ... .

a) North Dakota;              b) Texas;                            c) Montana;                           d) Arizona.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

4. Anchorage boasts two daily newspapers, semiprofessional baseball and basketball teams, frequent performances by internationally known orchestras and pop stars, dramatic theater, light opera, and the busiest fast-food joints in the north.

a) предмет гордости;    b) хвастать;      c) обтесывать камень;          d) гордиться.


Task: choose the appropriate definition for the underlined word.

5. Perhaps the most remarcable fact about Anchorage is that everything – the glass and steel of the buildings, the food and merchandise – arrives here the same way people do: via a tortuous 1500-mile road or An expencive air journey, or by barge or container ship across one of the roughest seas in the world.

a) by way of; over a route that passes through;

b) by means of; using as a means of approach or action.


Task: fill in the necessary English word and find the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

6. ... was once all farmland. By 1910, however, filmmakers began moving there. Southern California’s climate was perfect for shooting movies year round. And the area had settings for just about any movie – it had mountains, deserts, and ocean. Soon ... came to mean “the American film industry”.

a) Disneyland;                 b) Hollywood;               c) Chinatown;                        d) The Great American desert;

e) стрельба;                     f) ссыпание;                g) съемки;                              h) болезненное дерганье.


Task: choose the right variant.

7. Even if you can’t see the stars, you can see many things associated with them. Hollywood souvenir shops are filled with authographs, old movie posters, costumes and stills. Stills are photos of scenes from movies. You can go on a tour, for example, the unusual Grave Line Tour. On this tour, you will travel in a ..., the vehicle that usually takes the dead to the grave. The ... will take you to the places where celebrities died.

a) horse;                     b) hearse;                    c) house;                    d) hours.


Task: choose the necessary.

8. Many saw the 1906 earthquake and the resultant three-day fire, which burned down half the city. Stunned, ... set about the business of rebuilding and growing up. World War II gave the city a new importance as the staging ground for all Pacific operations and guaranteed a new prosperity. A receptiveness to cultural trends allowed North Beach to serve as home to the Beat Generation in the 1950s; the 1960s saw ... become the hippie capital of the world.

a) San Diego;                  b) Sacramento;                  c) San Francisco;                        d) Santa Fe.

9. The symbol of san Francisco and its greatest attraction is ... . It was opened in 1937, goes between San Francisco and Marin County to its north. It was first proposed in 1869 by “Emperor” Norton, a forty-niner who, having lost his money and his mind, had declared himself emperor of the United states. Norton’s ideas about an empire may have been crazy, but his idea about this structure for san Francisco was just ahead of its time. It took the 20th century named Joseph Strauss to bring ... into existence.

a) Chinatown;                  b) the tramway;              c) the Golden Gate Bridge;              d) the Curves.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

10. The Limbered street Curves, nicknamed the “crookedest street in the world”, commands a fantastic view of the city and harbor. The curves were installed in the 1920s to allow horse-drawn carriages to negotiate the extremly steep hill.

a) приказывать;             b) открывать(ся);                 c) господствовать;                    d) располагать.


Task: choose the necessary.

11. The most densely populated of San Francisco’s neighborhoods, ... was founded in the 1880s when, the gold dug and the tracks laid, discrimination fueled by unemployment engendered a racist outbreak known as the Yellow Peril. Chinese banded together to protect themselves in a small section of downtown area. As the city grew, speculator tried to take over the increasingly valuable land, aspecially after the area was leveled by the 1906 earthquake, but the Chinese were not to be moved, and ..., which has gradually grown beyond its original borders, remains almost exclusively Chinese.

a) Harlem;                     b) East End;                c) Chinatown;                    d) Brooklyn.

12. Hartford, ... state capital and the nation’s ensurance headquarters, takes no risks and offers nothing unexpected. Fans of american literature won’t want to miss the Mark Twain Mansion housed the Missouri-born author for 17 years. Twain composed his masterpieces, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn here. Harriet Beecher Stowe lived next door.

a) Colorado’s;                   b) Connecticut’s;                       c) Missouri’s;                            d) California’s.

13. In the state of Connecticut, there is a city of ... .

a) New Haven;                 b) New York;                               c) Newark;                             d) New Jersey.

14. Obscured by the now centuries-old rivalry between the two Ivy League institutions is the oh-so-God-awful truth: Yale was founded by a group of ... clergymen who gave up all hope at decacent Harvard. New Haven is a university town with academic types.

a) New england;                  b) New Hampshire;                    c) New Mexico;                        d) New York.

15. ... has a special honor. Because it was the first of the thirteen original states to sign the Constitution, ... leads the parade of states every four years when the new President is inaugurated.

a) Florida;                       b) Delaware;                    c) Georgia;                             d) Pennsylvania.

16. The oldest town in the USA, St. Augustine, is in ... .

a) Florida;                      b) Montana;                       c) Nebraska;                          d) Iowa.

17. After World War II, the South, which had remained agricultural, experienced rapid industrialization and economic growth. There were many reasons for these changes. One of the most important was the invention of air-conditioning.

     No city grew more then ..., Georgia. People today speak of the “New South”. If there is a New South, then ... is surely its “capital”. Of the 500 largest companies in the US, 450 have offices in ... . (One of these, Coca-Cola, is no surprise; the formula for Coca-Cola was developed over 100 years ago in ... .)

a) Atlanta;                    b) Chicago;                           c) New York;                        d) Baltimore.

18. ... is the only island state. It is really a chain of 20 islands, formed by the tops of undersea mountains. People live only on the seven largest islands.

a) Florida;                   b) Alaska;                               c) Hawaii;                               d) Maine.

19. The heart of the city of New York is ... .

a) the Bronx;                b) Manhattan;                        c) Brooklyn;                         d) Queens.

20. The UNO (its headquarters situated in New York) uses ... official languages: ... .

a) four: Arabic, Chinese, English, French;                      b) five: Chinese, English, German, French, Russian;                     

c) six: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish;        d) seven: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian Spanish and German.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

21. The fulcrum of New York culture is Lincoln Center. It is home to the Metropolitan Opera Company, which is opera’s highest expression. Its stage is the size of a football field, its performances are excellent, and its principals are among the greatest in the world.

     The great george Balanchine’s New York City Ballet is also in Lincoln Center. City Ballet features works by both its founding father and the other celebrated choreographer Jerome Robbins. Carnegie Hall, one of the greatest musical auditoriums in the world, attracts opera singers, jazz singers, instrumental soloists, and symphony orchestras. Carnegie Hall opened itsdoors for its first concert on May 5, 1891. The Symphony Society was performed under the direction of Tchaikovsky. Carnegie Hall, that is instantly recognized as an international standard and symbol of excellence, has been host to all of the world’s greatest musitians.

a) патрон;                            b) глава;                       c) владелец;                        d) основной капитал.


Task: choose the necessary.

22. The first English colony in North America was a lost colony. Even before the Jamestown settlement, even before the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, English ships had sailed to the coast of what is now ... . They brought a colony of 150 people who settled on Roanoke Island. When the ships returned three years later, everyone in the colony had vanished.

a) North Dakota;                  b) North Carolina;               c) South Carolina;                 d) South Dakota.

23. With neighboring Tennessee, ... shares one of the most popular vacation sites in the nation – Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

     Only Texas had more farms than ... . And on this rich land, farmers raise cotton, corn, tobacco, soybeans, fruit, and peanuts. ... scientists have developed an atomic peanut. They call it NC 4X. These extra-large peanuts are grown from seeds exposed to atomic radiation.

a) Wyoming;                b) West Virginia;                     c) North Carolina;                      d) Virginia.

24. The first flight in a power-driven aeroplane was made by ... brothers at Kitti Hawk Beach, North Carolina, on December 17, 1903.

a) Wright;                             b)Warner;                               c) Lumi`ere.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

25. The ranches of North Dakota are big, too. Although there is snow in the winter, cattle and sheep can range all year. The sweet clover blossoms that grow on the plains have made possible a profitable bee-keeping industry.

a) выстраиваться в ряд;                  b) колебаться в пределах;                  c) пастись;                 d) плыть, тянуться.

Task: choose the necessary.

26. Texas was once an independent nation. It became a republic after General Sam Houston defeated the Mexican forces in 1836. Shortly after, Texas elected Sam Houston president of the Republic of Texas and named its largest city, Houston, in his honor. Texas is the ... largest state in the union. Texas is the size of all the New England states plus New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Illinois. In fact, one Texas ranch, the King Ranch, is larger than the state of Rode Island.

     Texas has something of everything. There are deserts, flatlands that stretch for miles, mountains, islands, forests, jungles, marshy bayous, ranches, farmlands, and ocean beaches along the Gulf. Texas has oil and other natural resources.

a) third;                    b) fourth;                  c) second;                         d) ---.

27. Vermont is a favourite vacation place. People come to see the peaceful farms and historic towns. They camp in the mountains in the summer and ski down its trails in the winter.

     Some visitors return to stay. ... liked Vermont so much he built  a home in Brattleboro, where he wrote for many years.

a) Mark Twain;          b) Henry Wadsworth Longfellow;             c) Rudyard Kipling;                d) Francis Scott Fitzgerald.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

28. The smallest state capital in the nation, Montpelier is an amusing sight in the middle of the mountains.

     Montpelier is the home of the New England Culinary Institute.

     Near Montpelier is a rural farming region called the Northeast Kingdom, a vast space which is famous for New England’s most memorable landscape. Vermonters flock here to hunt and fish in the unspoiled wilderness.

a) пушинка;              b) двигаться толпой;      c) паства;             d) стекаться.

29. The eastern park of Virginia – the Tidewater region – was once covered by ocean. And the ocean tide still pushed back up Virginia’s broad rivers. These rivers empty into Chesapeake Bay, forming excellent harbors. Norfolk is one the most important harbor in the state; this harbor, called Hampton Roads, could hold all the great navies of the world.

a) без нагрузки, холостой;                   b) осушать;                  c) пустеть;                 d) впадать.


Task: choose the statements which are true.

30. a) Washington is the name of a U.S. state;

b) The city of Washington is in the state of Washington;

c) The major river of the city of Washington is the Columbia River;

d) The city of Washington is coextensive with the district of Columbia;

e) Washington, D.C. is the capital of Washington;

f) Seattle is the capital of Washington.


Task: choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the underlined word.

31. The Columbia River is over a thousand miles long. The great Cascade Mountains of Washington also seem endless. These mountains run down Washington like a wall – dividing the state into two and creating two climates. West of the Cascades the weather is mild and rainy. Here are the vast forests that feed Washington’s great lumber mills.

a) нанять;             b) снабжать сырьем;       c) пастись;         d) кормить.


Task: choose the necessary.

32. Seatlle, Washington, is often called the ... City, or the Jewel of the Pacific Northwest. Like a beautiful jewel in an expensive ring, Seattle is in an exquisite setting: it is surrounded by green hills and the water of Puget Sound.

a) Sapphire;    b) Emerald;             c) Zircon;                  d) Ruby.

33. Until 1861, West Virginia was a region in Virginia, separated from the rest of the state by the Allegheny Mountains. When the Civil War began, Virginia became part of the Confederacy. West Virginia ... from Virginia and joined the Union as a separate state.

a) seduced;                 b) succeeded;                       c) secured;                       d) seceded.

34. ..., Wyoming, became the first US national park.

a) Yellowstone;                b) Greenstone;                   c) Whitestone;                      d) Redstone.

35. The Mississippi River flows through ... states: ... .

a) four: Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Iowa;

b) five: Mississippi, Missouri, Arcansas, Illinois, Iowa;

c) six: Mississippi, Missouri, Arcansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa;

d) seven: Mississippi, Missouri, Arcansas, Minnesota, Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska.

36. The Missouri River flows through ... states. They are: ... .

a) three: Montana, Nebraska, Missouri;

b) four: Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota;

c) five: Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Nebraska;

d) six: Missouri, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Virginia, North Dakota, South Dakota.





Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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