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Соединенные Штаты Америки. [33]
Тексты, знакомящие с культурой и национальными особенностями США.
Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии. [17]
Факты о культуре и традициях Туманного Альбиона.
Канада. [1]
Знакомство с Канадой.
Австралия. [1]
Знакомство с государством-материком, получившим прозвище "вверх тормашками".
Новая Зеландия. [3]
Знакомство со страной "на краю океанов"
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Тест 6.
03.Апр.2014, 18:47

The United States of America.

Washington, D.C.

Task: choose the necessary.

1. Since its beginning, the American government has been divided into ... branches: ... .

a) two: the legislative and the executive;

b) three: the legislative, the executive and the ju­dicial;

c) four: the legislative, the executive, the judicial and the military.

2. In planning the new federal city, Pierre Charles L'Enfant placed the Congress House (Capitol Build­ing) and the President's Palace (White House) at op­posite ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, as physical sym­bols of the ... of the legislative and executive branch­es of government. The main purpose of the legislative branch, housed in the Capitol Building, is to make the laws that govern the people.

a) controlling;           b) help;              c) separation;              d) opposi­tion.

3. The members of Congress meet in the Capitol Building to decide what laws are needed to protect the nation. Each state has elected officials in the Capitol to represent its people. There are ... Senators and ... members of the House of Representatives in the Congress. Each state has two senators but the number of representatives from each state is based on the population of the state.

a) 100; 435;     b) 200; 453;         c) 50; 534;              d) 100; 400.

4. The Senate meets in the ... wing of the Capitol and the House of Representatives meets in the ... wing.

a) north; west;        b) north; south;         c) north; west;              d) south; east.

5. A flag flies over ... wing of the Capitol when that part of the Congress is in session.

 a) one;         b) the north;         c) the south;         d) each

6. The Capitol Building is one of the most impres­sive buildings in Washington. The Capitol Building is easy to recognize because of its ... .

a) columns;          b) height;            c) large dome;              d) shape.

7. Around the large dome, there are ... marble col­umns, each representing the ... states in the Union when the dome was built.

a) 26;    b) 36;     c) 38;     d) 42.

8. Above these columns, there is another set of ... columns that represent the ... original colonies.

a)8;   b)12;   c)13;   d)15.

9. The flag flying over the entrance to the Capitol is one of several flags authorized by an act of Con­gress to remain raised ... . This flag flies ... .

a) all day long; during the working day; b) in the morning; during the Congress session; c) till sun­down; 18 hours a day; d) after sundown; 24 hours a day.

10. The Library of Congress is the largest and most important library in the world. The congres­sional bill that provided for the capital to be moved to Washington in 1800 also called for the establish­ment of a congressional library. A case of maps and 740 books were purchased and installed in the Capi­tol. Since the library ceased to be the sole province of members of Congress in 1898, the resources of the li­brary are now available to all scholars and students over high school age. It is a ... .

a) research and a lending library; b) reference but not lending library; c) research and reference library, however, not a borrowing library; d) re­search and reference library, however, not a lending library.                     

11. Arlington National Cemetery is the burial grounds for America's military personnel and the families and has been called "the Shrine of America's hero dead." Thousands of veterans from American wars are buried in Arlington. Over 4,000 of the graves in Arlington Cemetery are marked without names. These graves without names are from the Civ­il War when the armies did not have the use of ... for their soldiers' identification.

a) dogtails;          b) dog ears;         c) dogtags;          d) dogsletters.

12. The Foucault Pendulum, demonstrating the earth's rotation is in ... .

a) the Museum of American History; b) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum;   c) Natural History Museum; d) Arts & Industries Building.

13. Edison's light bulb (original) is in ... .

a) the Natural History Museum; b) Arts & Indus­tries Building; c) the Museum of American History; d) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Muse­um.

14. A 1913 model Т Ford is in ... .

a) Arts & Industries Building; b) the Natural His­tory Museum; c) the Museum of American History; d) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Muse­um.

15. Write Brothers' original 1903 Flyer, Apollo Lunar modul, and Skylab Orbital Workshop are in ... .

a) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Mu­seum; b) the Natural History Museum; c) the Muse­um of American History; d) Arts & Industries Build­ing.

16. One can see moon rocks in ... .

a) the Museum of American History; b) the Natu­ral History Museum; c) the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum; d) Arts & Industries Build­ing.

17. The forty-five foot model of the Navar Cruiser Antietam, a steam sloop-of-war, steam engines, a Baldwin locomotive are in ... .

a) the Museum of American History; b) the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum;

 c) the Natu­ral History Museum; d) Arts & Industries Building.

18. Known officially as the ... Mansion, the White House not only served as a residence for the Presi­dent but also serves as the official office for the ... Branch of American government.

a) Executive;            b) Legislative;                 c) Judicial.

19. (A)... is the head of this branch of government and works from his (B) ... in the White House to help make the decisions that govern and protect the na­tion.

(A) a) The Prime Minister

b) The Vice-President

c) The President

d) The Chancellor

(B) e) Blue Room

f) Red Room

g) State Dining Room

h) Oval Office

20. The White House has 132 rooms and 20 bath­rooms. The President and his family live on the up­per floors. The public ... visit the White House and see several of the famous rooms such as the State Dining Room, the Blue Room and the Red Room.

a) can't;        b) can once a week;          c) can twice a week;           d)can.

21. The presses at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are in operation ..., in order to keep up with the Federal Reserve's orders for new paper currency. All of the paper money for the entire nation is print­ed here. The Bureau also prints other valuable docu­ments: postage stamps, military certificates, Trea­sury notes, and even invitations to the White House.

a) five days a week;    b) twenty-four hours a day;  c) without holidays;   d) twice a week.

22. The ... has been called the nation's deposit box, an apt name for this impressive building. Besides being the home of the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence, its contents also include a collection of treaties, laws, maps, land claims, writings of important people, films and audio recordings. Documents ranging from Richard Nix­on's letter of resignation, the Emancipation Procla­mation and the Louisiana Purchase Treaty, to the Japanese surrender document ending World War II, and the S.A.L.T. Treaty of 1972 are kept in the Ar­chives.

a) Smithsonian Institution;    b) Harvard University Library;    c) National Archives.

23. Here the public is ... access to records for research, and assistance is available for genealogical searches.

a) not allowed;      b) allowed;      c) sometimes allowed.

24. The Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declara­tion of Independence are ... display in the domed ro­tunda of the Archives, accessible via the Constitu­tion Avenue entrance. These documents, along with other major treaties, are stored in special cases, sealed in helium to protect against aging. At night, and in case of emergency, the cases are lowered into burglar-, fire-, and shock-proof vaults deep beneath the marble floors.

a) on temporary;    b) not on;   c) on holiday;   d) on permanent.

25. The Washington, D.C. Metrorail system is one of the cleanest and most efficient public transporta­tion systems in the country. It embraces ... .

a) District of Columbia only;

b) District of Columbia as well as outlying subur­ban area of Maryland;

c) District of Columbia as well as outlying subur­ban areas of Maryland and West Virginia;

d) District of Columbia as well as outlying subur­ban areas of Maryland and Virginia.

26. In a city filled with monuments and memori­als, the Washington Monument is the most visible. Dedicated to the ..., the monument stands 555 feet tall and is not only the tallest structure in Washing­ton, D. C., but is the tallest stone monument in the world.

a) state;            b) city;                c) U.S. first president.

27. The Lincoln Memorial dedicated to the U.S. sixteenth President, Abraham Lincoln, is designed ... .

a) as a figure; b) as a figure group; c) as a build­ing; d) similar to the Greek Parthenon.


Категория: Соединенные Штаты Америки. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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