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04.Дек.2014, 19:55


Меню сайта = Видео = Категории каналов = Каналы пользователей = Канал TATIANABELKA - здесь видео!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf7A2wEjzVo - здесь тоже видео!

True – False – Not Stated


  1. Edinburgh is a home city for a million and a half of Scotland’s population.
  2. Actually the city of Edinburgh is divided into old town and new town.
  3. Edinburgh Castle was built about 1000 years ago.
  4. The National War Museum is visited by nearly half a million visitors every year.
  5. In the National War Museum you can find weapons and arms dated back to more than two thousand years ago.
  6. The National Museum of Scotland was opened less than 20 years ago.
  7. The Museum of Childhood is the only museum dedicated to children in the world.
  8. Tourists can visit Holyrood Palace any time of the year.
  9. Most museums and galleries in Edinburgh are free for visitors.
  10. In the centre of the city you can find Murrayfield Stadium, the biggest stadium in Scotland.
  11. North Berwick Golf Club is the about 180 years old.
  12. The National Museum of Flights provides you with information about space and aircrafts’ history from all over the world.
Категория: Видеофильмы. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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