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[ · Скачать удаленно () ] 16.Ноя.2014, 23:32


New York - Part I.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCl7hXufTRM

New York - Part II.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0fir-zhk8w


New York. Part I.


Mark the statements with:

  1. if it is true;
  2. if it is false;
  3. if it is not stated.



  1. Times Square is one of the busiest places of  New York.
  2. Brooklyn is the quietest district in NY.
  3. It is impossible to see the Statue of Liberty from the Brooklyn Bridge Park.
  4. You can see vagabond artists and buy various souvenirs near Central Park.
  5. In the Apple Store all elevators are made of glass.


New York. Part II.


  1. You can get lost in Central Park.
  2. The best way to travel around Manhattan is taking the subway.
  3. The Chrysler Building is a bright example of high-tech architecture.
  4.  Grand Central Station is the largest train station in New York.
  5. The add of M&Ms is the most popular advertisement in New York.
  6. East Village is the place where many Ukrainians live.
  7. There are 67 floors in the Rockefeller Center.
  8.  Ground Zero is known for the Memorial to the victims of the terror attack of 2001.
  9. Hot dog is a symbol of New York.
  10. You can taste only Italian food in Little Italy.
Категория: Видеофильмы. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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