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12.Дек.2014, 21:55

50 Things to do in New York City.

Меню сайта = Видео = Категории каналов = Каналы пользователей = Канал TATIANABELKA - здесь видео!

True – False – Not stated


  1. Greenwich Village is a nice place to make everyday walks.
  2. Brooklyn Bridge was built at the beginning of the 19th century.
  3. DAMBO means “Drive Along Manhattan Bridge On the bus”.
  4. In Bryan Park you can play any board game existed in the world.
  5. A ticket to the Liberty Island costs 5 dollars.
  6. Battery Park is situated in Downtown Manhattan.
  7. There is Mermaid Parade in Coney Island in July.
  8. You can make millions and then loose everything in Wall Street.
  9. You can watch world-famous ballets and operas in the Lincoln Center.
  10. You can visit the National Museum of the American Indian 365 days a year and you needn’t pay any money.
  11. More than 300,000 people visit Times Square every day.
  12. It takes you only 5 minutes to get from  Manhattan to Roosevelt Island by tram.
  13. You can find a statue to Alice in Wonderland in the Central Park.
  14. Strawberry Fields is a popular fruit market situated in the Central Park.
  15. If you buy a Metro Card which costs 3 dollars you will be able to go around New York for 7 days without getting out of the subway.
Категория: Видеофильмы. | Добавил: TatianaBelka
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